An act of kindness That will make you smile.
Look in the mirror and smile, What do you see? A happy Face? Welcoming? Friendly? Some people in the Wenatchee valley look in the mirror and can’t smile, they see their smile and are embarrassed. This is the reason for the “Ultimate Smile Makeover” from Fluegge Family Dentistry at 476 Grant Road in E. Wenatchee. Fluegge Family Dentistry wants to change someone's life by giving them a new smile. Since 2006 Dr. Fluegge and his team have changed the lives of individuals with a complete smile makeover. Dentures, Implants, Veneers, Whatever it takes to give you that smile you always wished you had.
In 2016 Warren won the makeover. In an interview on The Quake 102.1, Warren said that he was not sure what would happen and what would change. He went on to say he came out of the whole process a new person. Before he would hide his smile and people would think he was not happy and his teeth hurt all the time. After he smiles all the time people know when he’s happy and there is no pain. He says “It still overwhelms me thinking about it”.
Here is what you need to do. Go to www.88teeth.com, print, and fill out the entry form. If you are not online then drop by Fluegge Family Dentistry at 476 Grant Road in E. Wenatchee during office hours and pick up an entry form. Fill it out, read and sign the rules, Write an essay as to why you or your loved one deserves to be the next Ultimate Smile Makeover winner, Take a picture of your current smile and return everything back to Fluegge Family Dentistry at 476 Grant Road in E. Wenatchee by September 30th at 5 pm.
One person will be chosen to receive an Ultimate Smile Makeover. The total value for the Ultimate Smile Makeover is $33,000.00 including up to $30,000.00 in dental work.
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