Advertising. It's what pays the bills at my house. There's been a lot said about advertising that specifically targets young kids and tries to shape their attitudes and buying habits. (Or the buying habits of their parents.) I mean, really, what kind of breakfast cereals do your kids want? Captain Crunch, Count Chocula, Lucky Charms. (No kid is asking for shredded wheat.) 

So, we now have some laws on the books that actually regulate the kind of advertising that can be targeted towards children and what can't be targeted towards children. So how does big business get around this? 

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One way to get around this is to create an app. Yes, an app for your phone that is designed to appeal to your children.  

And that brings us to our story. 

Chick-fil-A has a new app for your phone targeted specifically for your children. 

According to,
Chick-fil-A announced Monday it will launch a new app that features "free digital fun" and "kid-friendly content" including original shows, podcasts, games, recipes and more. The app is called Chick-fil-A Play. 

Fast-Food Chicken Restaurant Chick-Fil-A Opens First Store In Manhattan
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Now, I have to admit that I have not seen the app yet, nor will I probably ever, but it's very, very easy for me to assume that this is not just some kind of benign entertainment for children and adults to share. It's another way for Chick-fil-A to market their product directly to children. 

I know I sound like a grumpy old fart who's just had too much technology and doesn't want to engage anymore but that's not the case. I'm really a grumpy old fart who is tired of shameless promotions targeted towards children who aren't old enough yet to make rational decisions for themselves. 

I understand that the word is out that Chick-fil-A is thinking about putting a franchise into the Wenatchee area and I applaud them for that. (I hear they've got a good chicken sandwich.)  

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The app will launch on November 18th and in my opinion, will offer up another opportunity for your children to be brainwashed by your smartphone. 

Good luck with that. 

Chick-fil-A Play: What's in the fast food chain's new app?
Chick-fil-A streaming service? Internet scoffs, pokes fun
Chicken Sandwiches, Waffle Potato Fries, Salads & More | Chick-fil-A

How To Make Your Own Chick-Fil-A Sauce

There is a shortage of Chick-Fil-A sauce so a simple solution is to make your own. It is only 6 ingredients and you will be able to dunk your nugs all you want.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields

Best Chicken Sandwiches In Boise And Treasure Valley

We're are living in historic times. As I call it: The Chicken Sandwich Era. Today, every restaurant has a chicken sandwich coming out. They may not have five years ago, but they do now. We all have our favorites, and they're all valid. Some say Chick Fil A started the craze, others claim Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich has been around and remains at the top. Let's look at what you said your favorites were here in the Treasure Valley.

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman


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