A graduate of Wenatchee High School, Mark moved to Spokane in 1990 and worked as a producer and editor of the KXLY 920 Morning News over 18 years. The field of Information Technology piqued his interest, and he left broadcasting to work I-T for various businesses. Mark decided to return to broadcast journalism and work as a broadcaster and content creator for Townsquare Media - Newsradio 560 KPQ and now Newsradio 610 KONA. He has three beautiful children who’ve grown to be amazing young women. Mark likes to spend time enjoying the great outdoors, disc golfing, fishing, hiking, and camping.
Mark Rattner
Grand Opening Set for Adventure Park and Its Alpine Coaster
The park is just a short walk from Leavenworth’s downtown area at the entrance to Tumwater Canyon.
North Central Washington Nearing Allergy Season Peak
Allergy season can start as early as February.
Candidate Filing in the Wenatchee Valley Has Begun
If you would like to keep up with the candidates filing for office this week, head to the VoteWA website
National Police Week Observed in the Wenatchee Valley
Police Week started in 1962 with President John F. Kennedy's decree to honor the men and women who risk their lives every day in the line of duty.
E. Wenatchee Unveils First Police Vehicle of Its Kind in State
The first police vehicle of its kind in Washington State can be spotted on East Wenatchee roads now.
The electric F-150 Lightning made its debut in the Classy Chassis and Apple Blossom Parades over the weekend with police chief Rick Johnson behind the wheel...
“Arrive Alive” Emphasis Patrol Planned for State Highways
The 24-hour "Arrive Alive" campaign will focus on areas that have the highest likelihood of crashes and crime.
Wenatchee Mobile Health Clinics Making The Rounds
Demand for mobile health care is very high
Cruising the Ave: Apple Blossom Tradition Making A Comeback?
Apple Blossom tradition that drew people from all over the Pacific Northwest.
Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Adds to Foothills Trail System
The property will remain open to hikers and mountain bikers
Wenatchee Girl Scout Sells Cookies, Wins Big Seahawks Prize
Etta will get to raise the 12th man flag at a Seahawks game.