Baby, It’s Cold Outside
It’s cold, way too cold. This morning on my way to work plus 4 degrees and by the time 7 am rolled around, it was minus 3. Just traveling to the car is a trial. Look I know there are other parts of the country where it’s colder. Our engineer is from Alaska and he’s not shy about telling us what wimps we are.
For those of you that are required to do your job outdoors, I’m sorry. It’s just too cold for me to do anything outdoors so I need to find things to do. The other day I was on the phone with a friend of mine and I was complaining to him and he said, “Dave, buddy, there are lots of things you can do to while away the hours when it is stupid cold outside”.
You have activities like bowling, Simulator golf, and billiards. We have bars and brew pubs with entertainment. You Can gather three or more friends together and bust out the board games. You can blow an entire weekend with Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and streaming in general. I love to go to the movies. I love the big screen experience; it’s just getting into that cold car at the end that is the problem.
Right now, I’m three movies behind, I need to get busy.
Reading is always a good indoor activity and I do like to read. If I’m really desperate I could always do some of the cleaning I've been putting off around the house. Wait a minute, that’s just crazy talk.
Find things to do indoors with your friends and family. You and they will be glad you did.
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