I hate to confess this, but when I was in my 30s and 40s I was very ambivalent about voting. I just did not take it seriously at all. These days, not so much. At this point in my life, I'm cherishing the opportunity to vote. Even though I'm one voter in millions, I feel like I'm stepping up and making my voice heard. 

Does my vote count? I sincerely hope so and your vote counts too. 

Close-up of man casting and inserting a vote and choosing and making a decision what he wants in polling box with United States flag blended in background.

Now that Washington state has mail in ballots, it's very easy to vote as well. I get my voters pamphlet, I get my ballot, I take about 1/2-hour and do my voting. Then I take my ballot up to the dropbox near the library in Wenatchee and I'm done, It's simple. 

According to kxly.com,
‘Washington is one of the easiest states in which to vote, according to data from the Cost of Voting Index. The index ranks states by accessibility to voting. It factors in things like registration deadlines and laws, poll hours, early voting and absentee voting.’ 


This list is compiled using metrics like ease of registration, accessibility to voting locations, registration deadlines and laws and Absentee voting. 

The cost of voting index shows that Oregon is actually the easiest place to vote, closely followed by Washington state. (Both of which are mail in vote states.) Idaho actually lands in the middle of the list, and tragically at the bottom of the list is Mississippi which is considered by the cost of voting index to be the most restrictive state for voting. 


Regardless of political affiliation or view, please get out and vote.  

Look, you can tweet until you're blue in the face and post Your opinions on Facebook.  

It doesn't matter until you vote. 

Make your voice heard 

Washington ranked as one of the easiest states to vote | Local-politics | kxly.com
Cost of Voting Index

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