Washington state is scarier than you think.
Recently, a Reddit contributor created a list of all the horror movies that they know of and what state the story was set in. This is a huge list, but what caught my attention was the large number of horror movies set in Washington state. I'm not going to share the entire list, but I will show you some of the movies that were set in Washington state.
Honestly, most of these movies I've never seen, and I've never seen the trailers to at least half of them, but there's some interesting stuff here, so here is a partial list.
American Psycho II.
Sorry, this is one of those movies that I haven't seen, although I did see the original American Psycho.
Bigfoot versus DB Cooper.
Proof positive that when Eric Roberts made this movie he was definitely running out of cash.
Disturbing Behavior
Just think of this movie as the Stepford Teens. I'm sorry, it's pretty cheesy.
Embrace of the Vampire.
“Alyssa Milano like you've never seen her before”. (Really?)
Knights of Badassdom.
I have not seen this movie but based on the trailer, I think I really want to. This movie is packed full of Class A character actors. (And a whole lot of cheese.)
I hate to admit it, but I've actually wanted to watch this movie for a while, and I just haven't been able to make myself do it. It has this weird combination of creepy, funny and cheesy.
Return of the Living Dead.
Another movie I've never seen but after watching the trailer I know for sure... I'll never see it. (It does have some funny moments though.)
The Ring.
If I remember correctly, this was actually based on a Japanese horror movie and it's just way too creepy for me to watch. I don't know if you saw it.
The Wicker Man.
For its era, it was a suitably creepy film with a couple of top line actors. Inspired by David Pinner's 1967 novel Ritual the first movie version was created back in 1973.
This is in no way the complete list, but I thought these were interesting ones to point out.
Pop some Popcorn, get a nice beverage and watch a scary movie.
Horror Movies Set In Washington : r/Washington (reddit.com)
Horror Movie Locations - Google Sheets
Horror movies set in Washington, a list of films by HorrorMovieFan8 • Letterboxd
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