When Will Washington State Families Get Their Checks From Chicken Lawsuit?

You might want to check your mail to make sure you didn't miss out on a check from the Attorney General of Washington State.


How Much Will I Get As A Resident Of Washington State After Chicken Lawsuit?

We normally try and warn you about potential scams but this check coming from Washington State is legit.

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The checks started getting mailed on December 5th, 2023, and should've reached you by the end of last month. If you still haven't received your check, you might want to circle and see why you haven't received yours yet.


Why Are Washington State Families Getting A Check From The Attorney General?

WA state successfully settled a massive antitrust lawsuit against large chicken and tuna corporations that engaged in price-fixing.

From the press release:

Ferguson’s office is providing $40.6 million in financial restitution to every household whose income is at or below 175% of the federal poverty level.

Approximately 402,200 Washington households will receive checks. More than 1.2 million Washingtonians, or approximately 15% of the state population, reside in households receiving checks.

  • Single-person households will receive a $50 check.
  • Multi-person households will receive a $120 check.

Washingtonians who do not receive a check by the end of the year but think they qualify should visit refundcheck.atg.wa.gov. They will have six months to complete a short claims form and get their share of the funds.


So as you can see, you might be due a check, and even though it might not seem like much, every little bit counts. You can read more about the lawsuit and checks here.

LOOK: States Sending the Most People to Washington

Stacker compiled a list of states where the most people are moving to Washington using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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