Macy’s, calling it quits in 66 locations. 3 in Washington State
It seems like the department store is vanishing in the United States. I remember when I was a child. My mom making trips to Seattle to go to the Bon Marche to do a little shopping and I'm the youngest, so I have to tag along. I have some vague memories of what the classic department store of the 50s and 60s was all about.
Well, time marches on, and all of these department stores are consolidating and downsizing and some stores that in past years expanded into Eastern Washington might now be going away.
The latest department store that is downsizing is Macy's.
According to msn.com,
‘Macy’s is closing several dozen stores as part of a previously announced turnaround plan to save the beleaguered retailer. The 66 store closings revealed Thursday are included in that multiyear initiative. But, until now, Macy’s had not publicized which stores were set to close.’
California will be losing 9 stores. Eight stores will be disappearing from Florida. New York will say goodbye to 9 stores as well. In Washington state, three stores will be closing.
The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has been a benchmark in the life of everyone in the United States for decades. I remember watching it on TV when I was young and again when I was older.
When Macy's opened their store in East Wenatchee some of us looked at our Wenatchee Valley and said, “wow, we finally made it. We have Macy's.” For those of you who are wondering what three stores in Washington state are being closed those three stores are in Puyallup, Redmond and Silverdale.
At least for now, we get to keep our Macy's in East Wenatchee.
Macy’s is closing 66 locations. See if your store is on the list
Macy’s is closing 150 stores | CNN Business
Macy’s is in deep trouble. It could be sitting on a gold mine | CNN Business
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Gallery Credit: Rik Mikals