I enjoy living in Washington state. One of the reasons is much of my family is here, but I also enjoy the area. I like the Climate. I like my job. And my coworkers. Oh, don't get me wrong, there's a few times that I had seriously considered moving. Many years ago I was looking at a job. And of all places, Memphis. It would have been a great job, however. They decided not to hire me. Later the same company offered me a different job. That I considered taking. But passed on it because of my commitments in Washington state. At the time. 

At the time. But the question arises, if I was going to move to another job in another place in the United States, where would I go? One of the answers might be California. 

Hollywood street sign

According to axios.com,
‘By the numbers: California was the top destination for Washingtonians moving out of state, with an average of 35,000 residents moving there each year between 2018 and 2022, according to the data.’ 

Jared Whalen/Axios
Jared Whalen/Axios

I have had a few friends and coworkers that have moved from Washington to California. I'm not sure that's where I would want to go. I think my first choice would probably be Oregon. By the way, Oregon did show up as #2 on the list of most popular places to move. Arizona and Texas are also on that list. I should mention that my oldest son. Took a job in Arizona and he seems to be very happy there. (Hey, it's a dry heat.) 

I do have to admit that at this point in my life, an offer that would get me to move to another state would have to be pretty sizable. I don't think I'm emotionally or physically prepared. To pack up my life and move everything to another location at the drop of a hat. 

Washingtonians flock to neighbor states, census shows - Axios Seattle
Americans are moving less than ever to new houses and new cities (axios.com)
Fewer people are moving to WA, driver’s license data shows | The Seattle Times

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