Well, let's start things off with an introduction, SEL stands for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, and they have a little thing they call the SEL Index of Freedom. 

According to bigcountrynewsconnection.com,
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories has released its 2024 SEL Index of Freedom. The index evaluates the business climate across all 50 states, ranking each based on three critical variables: government efficiency, regulatory freedom and energy resiliency.’ 

This will be the third year that this manufacturer from Pullman, WA has done this survey. They do this exercise to determine what markets they want to move into next. Among the things that SEL does is manufacture printed circuit boards with a factory that was finished last year in Moscow, ID. 

World Environment Day
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Their analysis includes data from the American Legislative Exchange Council. Also, the Cato Foundation, Bureau of Labor and Statistics, The United States Census Bureau and the United States Energy Information Administration. 

For 2024, the top states are Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, South Dakota and Arizona. For some reason, Washington comes in 35th and Oregon ranks 34th. 


Idaho ranks third, mainly because of its tax code. It's very simple to understand. The state of Washington ranks 35th, also because of its tax code and complex regulations. 

OK, this is just my opinion but maybe SEL needs to look at Eastern Washington separately. Yes, we still have some of the regulations but when it comes right down to it, cost of energy is the biggest decider. This is why companies like Google and Microsoft have decided to put server farms in Eastern Washington.  

Behind The Scenes At CERN The World's Largest Particle Physics Laboratory
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If you guys want to put a circuit board factory in Eastern Washington, I'm sure our local governments will be more than happy to talk to you and make you a deal you can't refuse. 

SEL 'Index of Freedom' Ranks Idaho's Business Climate 3rd Best, Washington Ranked 35th | Idaho | bigcountrynewsconnection.com
66d719c48524b.pdf.pdf (townnews.com)

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