I was bopping around on the Internet the other day and I saw this story about axiom space and build-a-bear Partnering on a space shot. Part of the deal is they're going to send a Build-a-bear astronaut into space. That's right, a teddy bear in a space suit. Into space. 


Now it's cute and everything, and they'll probably have fun thrown it around the capsule. And zero G, but how much does it cost? It costs a lot of money to shoot something up into space, cheating gravity is not cheap. Let's say Gigi weighs about 1 LB. (gigi is the name of the bear) 

Allthescience.org says,
The cost per pound to send something to space varies depending on the country and the type of launch. Typical launch costs today are $10,000 to $25,000 USD per kilogram ($4,500 to $11,000 USD per pound). 

nasa.gov says,
NASA’s goal is to reduce the cost of getting to space to hundreds of dollars per pound within 25 years and tens of dollars per pound within 40 years. 

NBC news is quoted as saying,
NASA’s space shuttles, which were retired in 2011, cost an average of $30,000 per pound of payload (in 2021 dollars) to reach low-Earth orbit. 

Thomasnet.com says,
Before 2000, payload costs were around $8,400 to $10,000 per pound, with the space shuttle payload costing approximately $27,000 per pound. 

Gigi has the job of being the zero-gravity indicator. In other words, Gigi is there to just float around inside the capsule to remind everybody that they have escaped the earth's gravity. (They can do the same thing with a nerf ball.) 


It looks like Gigi will cost about $11,000.00 to go to space. If I had my choice of something that weighs a pound to go to space with me, it would probably be chocolate. (Now that's money well spent) 

Axiom Space Mission 3 is going to be an all-European crew. That's a first for this Houston based company.
Launch, January 17th at around 5:11 PM EST

The International Space Station

Initially constructed in 1998, the International Space Station (ISS) is approximately 250 miles above the earth's surface, traveling at 17,500 mph. The ISS orbits Earth every 90 minutes and completes around 15 orbits daily.

Gallery Credit: Ed Nice


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