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Washington Is Not The Evergreen State...At Least Officially
Washington Is Not The Evergreen State...At Least Officially
Washington Is Not The Evergreen State...At Least Officially
It's been a reference to Washington for almost as long as it's been a state, but did you know that the nation's 42nd entrant into the union isn't really "The Evergreen State"? At least, not officially anyway. But now, a Cowlitz County senator wants to change that...
Join Community Conversations With Chelan County Commissioners
Join Community Conversations With Chelan County Commissioners
Join Community Conversations With Chelan County Commissioners
Chelan County Commissioners are hosting a series of local community meetings in each of their districts. Commissioner Shon Smith says various department heads will also attend to give updates and answer questions from the public. County directors representing the  Community Development and Economic Services departments, Public Works, Natural Resources and the Regional Justice Center will participa
Forest Service Cuts Hit Locals: Rangers Warn of Lasting Impacts
Forest Service Cuts Hit Locals: Rangers Warn of Lasting Impacts
Forest Service Cuts Hit Locals: Rangers Warn of Lasting Impacts
Thousands of National Forest Service workers across the nation lost their jobs over the weekend. Locally, this directly impacts the Leavenworth Ranger station. National Federation of Federal Employees Local Steward Ranchel Granberg says a majority of forest rangers in Leavenworth lost their jobs...

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