Many years ago, in my misspent youth, I had my Washington driver's license suspended. At that point, of course, it was not legal for me to drive anything, even a motorcycle. Needless to say, this made my life very complicated because I still had to get to work.
Eventually my license was reinstated and life got back to normal, but to say that it was a pain in the butt is an understatement. 

Doug Menuez

Now some legislators are proposing to make it possible for some people with suspended driver's licenses in Washington state to legally drive. 

According to,
Washington lawmakers’ new bill would create a new “speed-restricted” license that keeps drivers on the road with an electronic speed governor. Drivers can remain on the road as long as they follow the rules.' 

In 2023, more than 30% of all driving fatalities in the state of Washington were speed related. Drivers with a speed restricted license Will get a device, a “speed governor” installed in the car (or possibly their cell phone) and if they tamper with that device or remove it, then they are violating the law. 

Young man yelling through the car window as he drives
Petko Ninov

All the way up through my 30s I had a lead foot. I received so many speeding tickets that I actually had my driver's license revoked. I even had to go to “speeding school” before I could get my license back. Obviously, this also impacted my car insurance profoundly.
It wasn't until I had cruise control in both of my vehicles that I managed to get control of my speeding habit. That of course didn't help me on the motorcycle, but I only got caught speeding on my motorcycle once and that was it. (Over 60 in a 25 mile an hour zone.) I never did that again. (That I will admit to.) 

Motorcycle Man

The whole lead foot thing actually kind of runs in my family. My dad liked to drive fast as well and at least one of my older sisters, (Jenny) has a bit of a lead foot also.  

I can already envision the universal howl that will rise up from individuals who like to speed, (though they won't admit it), who claim that adding this device to their vehicle would infringe on their rights. My response is, don't get caught speeding and you won't have to deal with it.
Proposed Legislation in Washington State Would Let Drivers With Suspended Licenses Continue Driving
New WA Law Would Let Suspended Speeders Drive With MPH Limiters Installed

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List of Vehicles Receiving the Most Speeding Tickets in 2024

According to Insurify, these vehicle brands are getting the most amount of speeding citations.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

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Gallery Credit: Andy Gott


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