Run for Apple Blossom Royalty - $10,000 Scholarship Opportunity!Run for Apple Blossom Royalty - $10,000 Scholarship Opportunity!Discover how 12th grade girls in Wenatchee & Eastmont can compete for Apple Blossom Royalty – a chance for scholarship money & community recognition!Matthew T. RichardsMatthew T. Richards
The 105th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Crowns Royal CourtThe 105th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Crowns Royal CourtThe Apple Blossom Festival Royal Court has been crowned for 2024. Find out which three young women will reign over the 105th Washington State Apple Blossom Festival this spring.Dave BernsteinDave Bernstein
Apple Blossom’s Tekni-Plex Youth Parade Draws Thousands to the Wenatchee ValleyApple Blossom’s Tekni-Plex Youth Parade Draws Thousands to the Wenatchee ValleyThe Apple Blossom Festival will be holding their Stemilt Grand Parade on Saturday, May 6 at 11 a.m.Terra SokolTerra Sokol