Leavenworth Oktoberfest Lawsuit Settled Outside of Federal CourtLeavenworth Oktoberfest Lawsuit Settled Outside of Federal CourtProjekt Bayern Chair Steve Lord said they were done with fighting the city over this matter.Terra SokolTerra Sokol
Leavenworth Looking For Volunteers To Help With River SafetyLeavenworth Looking For Volunteers To Help With River SafetyThe ambassadors work weekends in July and August to assist visitors at trailheads and river entry points around Leavenworth. Jason TaylorJason Taylor
Spokane Judge Dismisses Projekt Bayern’s Counter Claim Regarding Oktoberfest TrademarkSpokane Judge Dismisses Projekt Bayern’s Counter Claim Regarding Oktoberfest TrademarkJudge O. Rice ruled to dismiss Projekt Bayern for failing to amend their counterclaim until after 60 days have elapsed after the first claim was presented to court.Terra SokolTerra Sokol