lumen field

Where You’re Most Likely To Spot A Celebrity in Washington
Where You’re Most Likely To Spot A Celebrity in Washington
Where You’re Most Likely To Spot A Celebrity in Washington
Some big-name celebrities either have homes in various places around Washington or own a theater or a winery. Others will stop in for a Seahawks home game. Visit the following towns and locations, be on the lookout! Seahawks games at Lumen Field Rainn Wilson from The Office - attended high school in Seattle and college at the University of Washington is a passionate 12! In addit...
Lumen Field Near Bottom Of Study Ranking Cleanest NFL Stadiums
Lumen Field Near Bottom Of Study Ranking Cleanest NFL Stadiums
Lumen Field Near Bottom Of Study Ranking Cleanest NFL Stadiums
A new study ranking the cleanliness of all 30 National Football League (NFL) stadiums has revealed there may be more dirty birds in Seattle than you might think. The study, which was conducted and published by Betway Insider, used a computer algorhythm to scour travel sites like TripAdvisor and Yelp for reviews containing words such as "clean" and "tidy" or "dirty" an
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
THE TINY TOWN: Grace, Washington
If you were to google search Grace, Washington, two things are gonna happen. You’re gonna find 30 stories about someone by the name of Grace Washington or Nancy Grace is reporting on something bad that happened in Washington, long before you find something about this tiny town. Grace sits just off route 522, where if you slow down enough to where the car behind you honks their horn, you’ll see a sign that reads, "Town of Grace. Established in 1906. Population 12".