The After Christmas Blues
You’ve been going full out to get ready for Christmas. It’s all done, Christmas 2022 is in the books. So now you need to recover because the New Year is coming. When I was a kid New Year's Eve was not that big of a deal. Don’t get me wrong, all of us kids loved it because we got to stay up past midnight but the house still looked like Christmas until after the New Year.
With all the new toys and other gifts, there were still lots of things to sort through and find a place for. One year We got a slot car track and that thing took over the living room for at least two weeks or more. Batteries? We never had enough Batteries. Batteries are easy to find now, just go to Pacific power or Cost Co. Get them in advance so none of the kids drive you nuts.
Do you remember Erector Sets? Hundreds of tiny nuts and bolts. A project could take three or four days and when it was time to take it apart there was always a nut or bolt lost in the carpet.
The Christmas tree never came down before New Year’s. It was a big production because dad would cut it up and burn it in the fireplace. Dried up pine needles all over the carpet.
It takes time to recover from Christmas and then Bam! It’s the new year. Take a deep breath, sit down and relax. Count your blessings, and start thinking about how soon you need to get ready for next year.