Happy at your job? Odds are yes if you are in Seattle or Spokane.
Do you like your job? Are you happy where you're at? What cities in the United States have the most satisfied, happy workers?
Full disclosure, I'm pretty happy where I work. There are always small things that might be improved, but all in all, I'm satisfied with my job. I'm happy where I work and the town I'm working in. But the question is, how about you?
A website called resume.IO did a survey of over 3000 workers to determine what were possibly the top 100 cities where workers were most satisfied or happy with their job. It's an interesting list, and two cities in Washington state showed up on that list.
According to resume.io.com,
‘We surveyed 3,000 workers across the nation to identify the cities where job satisfaction soars highest. From supportive workplace cultures to unbeatable work-life balance, we’ve uncovered the top cities where America’s happiest workers thrive.’
Taking a look at the list Seattle shows up at number 8. Portland, Main shows up at number 71, but Portland, Oregon doesn't appear on the list at all. Spokane shows up at number 95.
Some of the drivers behind this worker satisfaction or happiness include more job security, more flexible working hours for a lot of employees, the ability to work remotely at home is not just a luxury but a necessity.
Also, over 25% of the workers surveyed said that supportive management is a big driver of what makes them happy at their workplace. Even with all these positive developments in the workforce, the highest negative driver is workplace stress.
In a similar survey. workers in Washington state said the most stressful part of their job was Transitioning to a new job. or learning new workplace skills. (I can relate to that.)
There are all kinds of jobs out there and all different levels of satisfaction and happiness related to them.
I consider myself lucky to be doing what I'm doing.
Survey reveals: Top 100 cities where America’s happiest workers thrive · Resume.io
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