What we need in Washington is another gigantic data center.
Washington State. (Especially Eastern Washington.) Seems to be turning into a “tech hub” for server farms. One of the major reasons being that, aside from a few exceptions, electricity is cheaper in Eastern Washington. I also believe that. Cities and counties in Eastern Washington are always looking for another way to increase their tax base.
The latest potential location for gigantic server farms is coming, possibly to Walla Walla. The company is called Advance Phase LLC. And it looks like their goal is to construct 4 large server farms. at the Wallula gap business park.
According to DataCenterDynamics.com,
‘The company intends to build its data centers in four phases of 125 acres each; each phase would feature four 215,000 square foot (19,975 sqm) buildings, for a total of more than 3.4 million sq ft (315,870 sqm).
These so called "hyperscale facilities" are so large that it actually requires a golf cart to get around from point to point. They are huge. One would assume they also require huge amounts of electricity, which is why some hyperscalers are actually looking into the possibility of nuclear power being added to the facility in order to power it. (Google, Amazon and Microsoft to name a few.)
The thing that kind of boggles my mind is that I remember reading somewhere that states like Virginia and North Carolina have more server farms than any other state in the USA.
Hyperscale server facilities in Washington seem to be a growth industry,
and more are coming to Eastern Washington.
$4.8bn data center campus proposed in Walla Walla, Washington - DCD
Massive $5 billion data center proposed east of Tri-Cities | Tri-City Herald
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