Wenatchee WA. to Portland OR. Take the long way. PT 2.
You are now making your way to Portland OR. By way of Yakima and before you head to Goldendale. Go online and look for Schreiner Farms. www.Schreinerfarms.com “Exotic animals from A to Z”. Schreiner Farms is located across the Columbia River from The Dalles, Oregon. If you have kids in the car you will want to plan for this location.
Before you head out you might want to visit Johnson Orchards, www.johnsonorchardsfruit.com It is kind of like a fruit stand on steroids. Fruit and veggies, scratch daily baked goods (check out the pies), and more.
When you get near Goldendale look for, 35 Maryhill Museum Drive, and you will find the Maryhill Museum of art, and The Maryhill Winery. You will also find a fine outdoor concert venue.
Also look for Stonehenge Drive Near Goldendale for the Stonehenge Memorial and the Klickitat County Veterans Memorial. Erected as the nation’s first WWI memorial and dedicated in 1918 to the servicemen of Klickitat County, Washington, who died in the service of their country during the Great War,
The memorial is open march 15 – November15 and the cost is Adults $12, Seniors (65 and older) $10, College (with school I.D.) $9, Youth (ages 7–18) $5
When you get to the Dalles head for Schreiner Farms. The Ranch is open to the public so you can drive through to view the animals. They are open from 9 to dusk and very important. Please follow the rules.
At this point you are about 2 thirds of the way through your drive to Portland, there is still more to see on the way.
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