5 Tips for a Fun Day at Seattle Seahawks Training Camp Kids Day
If you are lucky enough to snag some tickets to Kids Day at the Seattle Seahawks Training Camp there are a few tips you need to know. Taking a child to one of the Seahawks Training Camp Kids Day events can be a blast but if you are going make sure to know what to expect.
First-timers at a Seattle Seahawks Training Camp Day will likely be ooh-ing and ahh-ing at every moment of this experience, from the time you park your car to getting on the shuttle bus that takes everyone to one of their practice sessions*. That is where the Seattle Seahawks practice their plays and take interviews with members of the media at the Seahawks Training Camp.
Once you arrive at the Training Camp, you will pick out a place to sit for the next couple of hours whilst you watch the Seahawks warming up their knees and legs, throw practice passes, and do mock touchdown and interception stuff. Kids Day activities on the day I took my 11-year-old daughter, Willow, included a dunk tank, free food samples from Obento Beef Jerky, vendor booths, selfies and family photos with the Seahawks Mascot, Blitz plus a few of the Seattle Seahawks Cheer squad.
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*Please note: The Seahawks do not practice at Lumen Field in Seattle, instead they play at the Virginia Mason Medical Clinic Center Field in Renton, WA.
Here are our 5 Tips for a Fun Day at Seattle Seahawks Training Camp Kids Day
Bring your own lawn chair or Training Camp Approved blanket.
I forgot to bring my lawn chair and I didn't have an approved blanket so Willow and I took cover under one of the covered tents with tables for families eating food. Those tables are first-come, first-served so be on the lookout for an empty table.
Eat lunch before you go or bring a lot of money to eat on site.
I am so glad that I stopped by Port Belly Sandwich Shop at The Landing in Renton because I got to chow down on a toasted Avo Turkey sandwich and a cup of their tasty mac & cheese. There is food on-site at the Seahawks Training Camp and it was surprisingly very affordable. Had I known that I might have got a cheeseburger and something from the Starbucks booth?
Make sure you know where to go for parking your car in the garage.
I made the mistake of not knowing where to park before we arrived for Training Camp so I'm giving you a big tip. Once you arrive at Logan Ave at The Landing, turn down N 10th Place or Garden Street and follow the signs to park in the garage. If you get there too late and the parking garage is full, attendants will guide you to additional parking spots.

Bring something to give you shade.
Take along something to give you shade from the hot sun or rainfall, like a chair, sunvisor hat, or umbrella. Don't forget to bring one for each child and for yourself!
Make sure to bring along a kid that actually loves football and/or the Seattle Seahawks.
This tip is the most important because once we arrived at Training Camp, I was overly excited, meanwhile, my daughter became instantly bored. I managed to coax her into a bit of happiness with a Sno-Cone, a cup of lemonade, and some Dippin' Dots ice cream from the vendor booths in "The Berm" but that happiness was short-lived, indeed. Don't let a sourpuss kid ruin your Training Camp Day mood, just do what I did and tell your kid to hold on a few minutes so you can at least watch the Seahawks play and dance to the loud music. There is even a Hype Man on the field to get the crowd riled up and sometimes Blitz will toss some footballs into the crowd if they are loud enough.
The 12th Man is ALWAYS loud enough. Hashtag Facts!
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5 Tips for a Fun Day at Seattle Seahawks Training Camp Kids Day
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