Bigfoot Is Legally Protected in These 2 Washington State Counties
Can You Name The Two Counties In Washington State That Protects Bigfoot?
Have you ever heard the stories of Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific Northwest? While this mythical creature has yet to be definitively proven, two counties in Washington state are taking no chances.
Can You Get A Hefty Fine For Capturing Or Killing A Bigfoot In Washington State?
That's right, there are two counties in Washington State where harming Sasquatch could add up to huge fines and possible imprisonment.
Can you name the two counties?
Skamania and Whatcom counties have both declared that Big Foot is legally protected from harm within their borders.
Let’s take a closer look at this unique protection.
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is an ape-like cryptid with purportedly large feet and a hairy body.
Its existence has been rumored for centuries among Native American tribes, and sightings have been reported throughout North America since the 1950s.
While there is still no definitive proof that the creature exists, many people believe it does—including those who live in Skamania and Whatcom counties in Washington State.
In 1969, Skamania County became the first county to pass a law protecting “Sasquatch or other undiscovered subspecies” from being killed or harmed by hunters or trappers under the ordinance 1969-01
Later in 1991, Whatcom County followed suit with resolution no. 92 -043, declaring that Sasquatch is a protected species on their 2500 square miles of land.
Skamania County's ordinance will cost a person found guilty of killing or harming Sasquatch would be subject to a fine of up to $1,000 and/or six months in jail.
Whether you believe that Sasquatch exists or not doesn’t really matter.
What matters is that there are two counties in our great state of Washington where he (or she) is legally protected from harm just in case they do exist.
It’s fun to think about this mysterious creature roaming around our beautiful forests here on the west coast—and it’s even more fun knowing that we are doing our part to ensure its safety should it ever exist.
So next time you hear about a possible Bigfoot sighting near Skamania or Whatcom county, remember that he (or she) is safely protected by law.
Who knows - maybe one day we will get definitive proof that Bigfoot really does exist.