The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will be burning 11 acres within Chelan County projected to begin on Thursday.

This prescribed burning operation is geared towards supporting rare plant populations at the Camas Meadows Natural Area Preserve, specifically the Wenatchee Mountains checkermallow and Wenatchee larkspur.

This burn is also part of a research project by DNR, the Washington Recreation and Conservation Office, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Prescribed burning is used by both land managers and conservation groups to help reduce the amount of dry fuels available for wildfires, improve tree health, support wildlife habitats, and recycle soil nutrients.

DNR Public Information Officer Will Rubin said residents near the burning have been notified of possible increased smoke near them, however this project is not expected to increase the amount of smoke in the air for Chelan County.

DNR will be monitoring fire weather conditions throughout the duration of the burn.

Outdoor recreationists are encouraged to check closure information to confirm whether certain areas will be open.

Local roads near the Camas Meadows area may be limited during this time, including Camas Creek Road, Camas Way Road, and National Forest Development Road 7200.

All burn areas will have signs posted in advance.

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