From a can or not from a can. What’s your favorite Cranberry sauce?
From the day I was born the only cranberry sauce I ever knew came out of a can, and, when you took it out of the can, it still looked like the can. Now they've got a special name for it. It's called jellied cranberry sauce. that just sounds kind of icky.
According to wikapedia.com “In 1606, the Mi'kmaq people introduced the French settlers in Port Royal, Nova Scotia to Cranberries. They would have been sweetened with maple sugar and served at the settlers first Thanksgiving in North America that year. The settlers described eating what they called “small red apples" in letters send back to France. Port-Royal reports contained menus describing cranberries. They are still called “pommes de prés”, or meadow apples, today in Acadia.”
I didn't even see any other kind of cranberry sauce until I got to college, and then I didn't believe it. Now of course, with the Food Channel, there is 432 different kinds of cranberry sauce (not really) and just as many weird people that like them.
So, this got me to thinking, how many different types of commercially available cranberry sauce are there? At this point we go to the Internet to find out.
Just to name a few, we've got your homemade cranberry sauce, we've got your five-ingredient cranberry sauce recipe., How about your easiest cranberry sauce recipe? Then there's “the perfect cranberry sauce recipe”, of course from the Food Network.
There's Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce, Amazon Fresh Regular Jellied Cranberry Sauce, Thrive Market Organic whole cranberry sauce., Stonewall Kitchen Holiday spiced cranberry sauce. Ocean Spray Whole Berry Cranberry Sauce. TJ's Trader Joe's Cranberry Sauce. Oh, that's a good one because that's like. Five stars, but it also Costs $13.87. Yikes. There's Woodstock Organic Cranberry sauce, there's just some generic container labeled “Cranberry Sauce One pound”. Signature Café' Cranberry sauce. Harry's Cranberry sauce. Look, the list goes on and on.
The question is. Are you a canned Jellied cranberry sauce person. Or are you a any other possible kinds of cranberry sauce person? I'm certainly willing to try anybody's artisan cranberry sauce recipe or premade something or other out of a can, container or bag, you name it. But I still go for the cranberry sauce I remember out of a can shaking like a bowl full of Jelly, and that's what I'm going to buy.
Do you use cranberry sauce? And if you do, what type do you prefer?
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Gallery Credit: Kelso
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